REAL STRONG Leadership Programm

How to mobilize internal resources and
cope effectively with stress situations

Online Training with Ella Gabriele Amann and Munir Rashid

Combating stress in the workplace has become an important part of preventive occupational health policy. In 2011 alone, there were 59.2 million hospital days due to mental stress in the workplace – this represents an increase of more than 80 percent in the last 15 years. The problem continuous to grow every year.

The world of work is unpredictable in many areas, increasingly uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Restructuring and change processes are no longer exceptions, instead they are a common experience. The good news is: We can bring out our strengths to become change experts and crisis managers in the world.

Resilience – the resistance to crises and burdens – is natural expertise within us, waiting to be developed. The question is how we can create working conditions for ourselves and our employees in which we optimally develop our natural potentials into applied resilience?

In this online training we answer the following questions:

  • What makes you strong and more creative at work?
  • What keeps you healthy and motivated?
  • How do you perform in times of crises?
  • How do you balance expectations and reality?